This Week’s Torah Portion: Ki Tisa

Name: Ki Tisa Reading: Exodus 30:11 – 34:35 Haftarah: Ezekiel 36:16 – 36:38 Parsha Summary – Ki Tisa The Shekel Census God tells Moses to count the children od Israel by asking each person to give half a shekel to the Mishkan. The rich are not to give more and the poor are not to […]

Perfect Roast Potatoes

roast potato recipe

For most of us, Shabbat is about two things: family and food. For most people, Friday night dinner is a weekly, unchanging ritual, and a thing of untouchable holiness in and of itself. Vegetarian households like my own aside, the tradition is not to meddle with tradition: succulent roast chicken and crispy roasted potatoes take […]