Tefillin & Its Significance

One of the most ancient and special Judaica items is tefillin – and we’re answering everything you’ve wanted to know about its Biblical origins, how and why it’s worn, and why it’s so important.   Tefillin hold a cherished place in Jewish tradition, serving as a powerful symbol of faith, commitment, and connection to G-d. […]

What Is the Talmud?

The Talmud, an ancient collection of Jewish law, is one of the most famous yet often misunderstood of Jewish texts. We’re breaking down the facts of what it is exactly, how it’s shaped Jewish tradition, and why it continues to be important and relevant in modern times.    

Israel’s Unique Memorial Day & Independence Day

Israel’s Independence Day, or Yom HaAtzmaut, is on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. However, Israelis are first commemorating Yom HaZikaron on the day before – Monday, May 13 – as the country’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terror. This day of mourning before celebration has always been Israel’s uniquely poignant way of marking […]