17th of Tammuz: Mourning Jerusalem

This Tuesday, July 23, 2024, marks the Fast of the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, a very somber date in the Jewish calendar. It commemorates the Roman attack on the city of Jerusalem in 70 CE and the breach of the walls of the city – which would ultimately lead to the destruction […]

Everything You Need To Know About the Tallit

The Tallit is perhaps the most recognizable and universal Jewish ritual object, with a rich history going back millennia. Despite its long history, plenty of questions regarding the Tallit remain, even for people who have been wearing it for years! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Tallit, including its […]

The Amazing Story of Israel’s Forests

A century ago, the landscape of Israel was suffering from severe deforestation and was a stark contrast from its current lush, green expanse. However, the transformative vision of Zionist pioneers would soon change the face of the Land of Israel, with their monumental project to plant trees and cultivate forests, setting in motion a reforestation […]

Plant a Tree in Israel with Your Purchase

For every purchase of $100 and up on our site through July 22nd, we will donate to Keren Kayemet LeYisrael (KKL-JNF) to have a tree planted in your name in the Galilee in Northern Israel.