Parsha of the Week

This Week’s Torah Portion: Devarim

Name: Devarim

Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1 – 1:27

Parsha Summary – Devarim

Moses Addresses the People

Moses reminds the people that God has given them Canaan. He tells them that God has made them a multitudinous, blessed people. He reminds them that God appointed judges to help him care for the people. They were instructed not to show favour and to judge fairly, and if a matter was too difficult, to take it to Moses.

He tells them that they journeyed through the wilderness, and that now God has given them a land. He sent out spies to check out the land, and that they brought back fruit to prove that the land is good. He reminds them that even though the people were scared they would die in the desert, God made sure they survived. God guided them by fire and cloud, and the people returned to God.

He led us through and told us when war would be needed and when we could pass in peace. Moses details the battles back to the Israelites, telling them all about the victories that God led them to. He also reminds them that God is the source of their new wealth, livestock, and land.

Moses tells them that Joshua will be their commander when they enter the new land God is giving them. He says that God will fight for them when it’s time to fight.


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